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Zantac Lawsuit News

California Zantac Plaintiffs Want State Court To Hear Their Cases

550 Zantac cancer cases have transferred to federal court, but some think that state court is more appropriate

Friday, January 29, 2021 - Plaintiffs that are suing Sanofi for allegedly causing their cancer have had their cases remanded to federal court. Lawsuits accuse Sanofi, the maker of Zantac, of failing to warn consumers that their flagship heartburn medicine Zantac contained carcinogenic compounds. Plaintiffs in California claim that their cases were switched improperly and have petitioned the court to have them returned to the state.

According to AboutLawsuits, "In a motion (PDF) filed on January 15, a group of 41 plaintiffs asked Judge Rosenberg to return their case to California state court, indicating the defendants improperly removed the cases to the federal court system, where they have been transferred into the federal multi-district litigation (MDL), although they should have remained in the state court system."

The federal courts argue that the science governing ranitidine's degradation is the same in New York as it is in California. California attorneys disagree. The California attorneys have named local retailers and pharmacies as co-defendants, most likely citing the improper retail storage temperatures as reasons that may or may not exist in other states and for other plaintiffs. High temperatures may be the cause of NDMA's acceleration to carcinogenic levels.

Federal MDL is presided over by District Judge Robin L. Rosenberg in the Southern District of Florida. Judge Rosenberg is conducting Daubert hearings and is selecting from a pool of plaintiff and defendant's expert witnesses. attorneys have put forth. These experts are sure to include Valisure's CEO David Light who alerted the FDA to the dangers of Zantac NDMA cancer.

The state cases are now part of Federal multi-district litigation (MDL), where procedures are streamlined to save thousands of hours doing repetitive work. MDL also saves time by handling complex scientific issues once and not hundreds of times and consolidates repetitive administrative procedures and discovery. Legal experts agree that state cases should be switched to federal MDL mainly because tens of thousands of Zantac Cancer lawsuits have already been registered and tens of thousands more cases are expected in the months to come.

Men and women that have taken Zantac regularly for many years may have been exposed to dangerously high levels of NDMA, a byproduct of rocket fuel, and a chemical that was once used by scientists to induce cancer tumors in laboratory test animals. There are about 550 Zantac cases remanded to MDL that claim that Sanofi failed to warn them of what they knew or had an obligation to know about ranitidine's inherent instability. You may qualify to file a claim for monetary damages if you have cancer and have taken the heartburn medicine. Sanofi has made billions of dollars in profits by selling the world's most popular heartburn and acid reflux medicine for more than two decades. In April of 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration recalled all forms of ranitidine including Zantac sold over the counter and by prescription. It is unclear when or if the medicine will return to the market.

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OnderLaw, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. The Onder Law Firm has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others. The Onder Law Firm has won more than $300 million in four talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuits in St. Louis. Law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.

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